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Conquer the Chaos - ArcSite Simplifies Office Tasks

Letha Wicker
March 15, 2024
March 15, 2024
5 min read

When you look around your office, what do you see? Is your “piling system” getting out of hand? Does it seem like the busy work never ends?

We get you. You keep the business humming along, but it’s a daily slog through estimates, proposals, scheduling, site plans, takeoff lists, billing, customer service, and more. But who has your back when the work piles up? 

ArcSite is a mobile app for any device (phone, tablet, PC or Mac) that makes it easier for everyone in your business, including you, to automate and digitize all aspects of a project from start to finish. In the field, ArcSite helps estimators draw a site plan, estimate and generate proposals right on the customer site. Those documents can be uploaded into secure cloud storage or ported into the tools you already know and love, from CRMs to finance. 

Let’s talk specifics.

Centralize and Digitize Almost Everything

Say goodbye to stacks of forms, proposals, printouts…basically put your paper in the recycling bin. No more manual data entry from field notes to your CRM, finance software, and so on. ArcSite can sync with these software tools so the information passes securely from your estimators and workers through a cloud storage network.

What’s more, you don’t have to chase down field folk for the information you need to do your job. You don’t even have to wait until the end of the day to get it and use it.

And, conveniently, ArcSite is also a takeoff app. You’ll know what materials are needed for each job without searching through endless spreadsheets.

Visibility - You Can’t Measure What You Can’t See

How often do your estimators or team members make changes in the field to estimates or materials or labor? How often do they keep you in the loop? And how often do those changes come back to bite you?

From what we’ve heard, this is a very common disconnect between office and field. With ArcSite you just pull the revised documentation from the cloud. You know immediately when they make unscheduled changes to a job. 

Embedded site photos help keep everything updated. Never wonder about the details of a project - you can see it and act on it first hand instead. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the tired old cliche says.


Turning on a Dime

If an estimator comes with an adjustment to labor, materials, or cost, you typically have to redo the proposal and send it to the customer. This involves substantial and ongoing manual labor, since you have to do the math all over again. Also, you’re opening the door for data entry errors, especially when your team still uses paper documents. Those chicken scratches or out of scale drawings are a pain!

Respond faster and with ease by using ArcSite right in the office to make adjustments to changed estimates and proposals. Simply open the project on a tablet, phone, or PC/Mac desktop and make the changes. Then watch as ArcSite instantly does all the updating work for you, saving hours a week. 

Accounting Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

One of the most frustrating and error prone processes you deal with is integrating paper documents with your accounting software. And who likes switching back and forth from paper to computer and back, or from one document to another? 

Our QuickBooks integration does it all for you. It imports all costs, estimates, and more straight from ArcSite in the field to ArcSite in the office. A drawing can easily be generated using the app, then ported seamlessly to QuickBooks. You can turn out automated invoices and customer records in a fraction of the time it takes now.

NEW FEATURE COMING SOON - In a matter of days, ArcSite will release a feature that provides 100 percent automated populating of data straight into QuickBooks - you won't even have to import anymore.

Office Administrator + Sales Team = Winning

Your whole business hums along when you and your sales team are in sync. You’re a crucial part of the entire process, and sales should be communicating with you extensively throughout. You need to stay on top of the chaos and make sure all the i’s are dotted and all the t’s crossed.

When you use ArcSite, you’re never out of the loop. As soon as a sales person uploads a project to the secure cloud, you’re immediately in the know. You can get a jump start on all the backend business that accompanies the work the sales team is doing in the field.

Give That Drawing a Degree

Drawings in ArcSite aren’t just drawings - they’re smart. They’re an intelligent canvas where every stroke contains and transmits data. Whether it’s an estimator in the field or you working in the office, that data is easily accessible and makes it possible for you to keep your finger on the pulse of every nuance of a project. That’s a powerful tool to have at your fingertips.

Get your questions answered in real time, enabling you to help answer a technical or sales question. ArcSite gives you the power to take charge of your work and perform it easily and quickly - without all the baggage. 

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Not quite ready for a demo? Start a free 14-day trial of ArcSite with no credit card required!

Available on iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

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