How E3 Termite and Pest Control Leveraged ArcSite to Grow Revenue and Increase Close Rates

E3 Termite and Pest Control
At a Glance
E3 Termite and Pest Control was experiencing rapid growth and needed new ways to improve efficiency and business performance.
ArcSite Solution
ArcSite’s digital pest graphing allowed inspectors at E3 to digitally draw their graphs and upload them to the cloud for later updates.
Results with ArcSite
- 30-minutes saved on every inspection
- 500-hours saved every year
- Increased close rates from 40% to 70%
- Improved internal communication
- Explosive company growth
Mike Adams isn’t a typical pest control company founder. He founded E3 Termite and Pest Control in Fairhope, Alabama three years ago with just $7,000, and today he already has over 1,000 customers. He was able to grow the business at an explosive rate while charging a premium price several times that of his competition. Mike looks at every facet of his business differently than his competitors do.
Drawing State-Required Termite Graphs Faster
Like all pest control companies that work on termite and wood destroying insect/wood destroying organism (WDO/WDI) remediation in his area, E3 is required to prepare and submit a ‘termite graph’ to the state with every inspection, but for E3 this requirement is a source of competitive advantage
“A termite graph is essentially a drawing of the home that shows any areas where termites are present. It also notes areas with conducive conditions where there is a high likelihood the home may have termites in the future.”
The Downfalls of Hand-Drawn Termite Graphs
Prior to finding ArcSite, Mike and his team were hand drawing all of their graphs, just like their competition.
“Before we started using ArcSite, our process was pretty archaic–we had to draw everything by hand, which was both time-consuming and messy. Once we completed the graph, we would take a photo of that drawing with our phones, send that to our computer, and then upload it to our CRM for filing with the state. This same slow process was used for storage and billing purposes as well.”
Mike mentioned that the most frustrating part of their process was when they had to re-inspect a customer’s home.
“A large portion of our business is annual re-inspections. This is great for our business and our customers, but because everything was hand drawn, this process required our inspectors to start from scratch every single year, forcing them to re-measure and re-draw the entire thing. This would take at least 30-minutes with each re-inspection. We have 1,050 renewable customers. That means we’re going out to all of these homes each year and had to waste a ton of time re-graphing everything. Doing some quick math, we were essentially wasting over 500 hours doing avoidable repeat work year after year.”
Digital Termite Graphing with ArcSite
Mike knew that in order to scale his business and achieve his growth goals, he had to find a better solution for completing this process. This prompted him to set out on a search for a modern solution for producing digital pest control graphs. After asking a number of colleagues, searching the web, and trying out a few different options, Mike came across ArcSite, which turned out to be a perfect fit for E3’s needs.
“When we found ArcSite, it was a huge lightbulb moment for us. For one, it solved our largest problem that required us to do a ton of repeat work each year. Now we digitally draw all of our graphs with ArcSite, and let me tell you, these things are beautiful! I have one inspector whose graphs are so detailed you could frame them on your wall or put them on your refrigerator."
ArcSite is Easy to Learn and Use

Mike noted, "ArcSite has been super easy for the team to learn and use. Now when we go to re-inspect a home, all we do is search for the address in ArcSite, pull up last year’s graph and make any required updates, noting any new issues or conducive conditions. We can even add in photos to get a true visual of the issues. These are all stored in the cloud and are there forever. I also love that there is a version history, so you can pull up the graph from past years and see what has changed. The 30-minutes we save on each job really adds up and allows us to service more customers with the same number of inspectors and techs.”
“It really helps us with our required state filings as well. We simply export a pdf from ArcSite and directly submit that graph to the state. You have to be ready at any time if the state comes to you and asks for something. ArcSite makes pulling any historical information super easy. You just search for the address and boom, you immediately have it for them.”
In addition to saving time on every single inspection, ArcSite has had some unexpected benefits for Mike and his team.
Using ArcSite to Increase Close Rates by 70%
“The output from ArcSite is extremely clean and professional. We use it to walk our prospective customers through the services we will complete in their home. This is a very nice touch that our customers love. We can even have the customers sign the graphs right in ArcSite stating that they understand the issues and work that we’ll complete. Since using ArcSite, our close rates have jumped from 40% to 70% and we’re one of the most expensive pest control companies in our market. It really helps with building trust.”
Improved Internal Communication with ArcSite
“The detail in the graphs produced in ArcSite is great. Our techs use these like a blueprint that allows them to know the tasks they need to complete, where to drill, place bait stations, and other necessary treatment. It even allows them to stay more organized by knowing what to pack for every job. We love that we can add custom shapes and products to visualize treatments. These same shapes and products are used across our team which is great for both speed and consistency. It has allowed us to save a ton of time and money.”
Growing Revenue with ArcSite
Mike credits ArcSite with helping to grow his business.
“ArcSite has been awesome for our business. It’s extremely easy to learn, easy to use, and everything within the tool is easily editable. I started out three years ago with a $7,000 investment and am proud to say we are now valued at $5,000,000. I would say that is a pretty good return on investment. At the end of the day, we truly care about our customers. Our actions and processes show them this and the response has been incredible.”
Start Creating Digital Pest Graphs and Diagrams Today!
If you are looking to use ArcSite to create professional pest control graphs and diagrams, download ArcSite in the Apple App Store or schedule a demo with an ArcSite expert for a customized walkthrough.

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